The journey - Chapter 3
"Finally, you're here" Keith says getting up of the armchair.
"Hi dad." Veronica gives her father a hug and sees Piz in the sofa. "Oh, eh... hi Piz. What are you doing here?" she says forcing her self to smile at him
This is just perfect. How am I going to get out of this one? Piz in the sofa and Logan in the car. Thank GOD I made him wait in the car.
"Yes, someone ditched me again.." Keith said with a smile at his daughter. "But now you are home"
"Hrm. About that." Veronica is trying to choose her words. "I'll be leaving again"
"Oh" Did you change your mind about going with Mac to LA for the weekend?" Keith asks
"LA?" Piz says surprised
Oh right... Mac... LA... I totally forgot that. Note to self, call her from the car once this drama is over.
"Please, let me just say this. No. I'm not going to LA with Mac. I'm going to Ohio." she pauses "With Logan."
Piz feels like both his jaw and his heart falls down to his feet. She is standing right in front of both me and her father, and she says that she is leaving with Logan he thinks to himself
"It's not like that Piz" Veronica continues when she sees the look on his face. "Logan just got a letter from his mom"
"Eh, and that's a reason for you to go with him to Ohio, how?" Piz says with anger and jealousy is his voice
"His mother is dead" Keith says calmly.
"But Veronica. That is no reason to run of on a Friday night halfway across the country." Keith says in a determined voice
"Maybe not. But I don't want him to go alone. And if I don't go with him, he will." She says walking to her room and grabs her suitcase.
Wow. Somehow I'm more and more convinced that going on this trip with Logan is the best thing to do.
"Veronica." She is interrupted in her thoughts by Piz who is standing right behind her. "Have we broken up without even talking? Because just a week ago we where here doing things I wont say when your father is in the next room, and now you are leaving for God knows how long, and with him?!"
I'm scum. I'm totally and utterly a big bag of crap. But I can't stay here with him. Not when every part of me wants to be out in that car with Logan.
"I'm so sorry Piz. I have been feeling a bit off the last couple of days. I think we need to stop seeing each other for a while."
"Hell, yea that's convenient for you. Skip town with hunky ex boyfriend while taking a break with current not so hunky boyfriend"
"Cut it out!" Veronica interrupts Piz. "I know I deserve that, and that you probably hate me. But I have to do this. There are things between Logan and me that you don?t understand"
"Oh, thanks. That made it hurt less" Piz says ironically. "Well, I wont stand in your way." He turns around and walks away.
Oh my God. Could that have gone any worse? I don't even know if I really want to break up with Piz. There is just too much unsaid and undone between Logan and me. I just have to try it. This was a much to good opportunity to pass
"Is there any way I can stop you from doing this?"
"No. Dad, I have to go with him. I have to help him with this. Regardless if it is to laugh with him if she is really there and alive. Or cry with him if it turns out to be a big fat lie. Please don't try and stop me because I've..."
"I said okay. Go. Support him. But be careful. And call me a lot."
"I love you dad" Veronica says and hugs her father.
She grabs her bag and gives him a light kiss on the cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow."
Logan sits in his car staring at the letter from his mom. Could this really be true? Could she really be alive? It looks like her handwriting. He remembers it from a card attached to one of the few of the millions Christmas presents he got from his parents that they didn't have one of the maids sign. But that was 12 years ago. He can't be sure. He looks up just as he sees the door opening.
"That went faster than I thought" he says to himself before he realises that it isn't Veronica coming out of the Mars' home, it is Piz. This could be interesting he thinks to himself while wondering what had been said in there. And suddenly gets anxious that Veronica will bail on him.
Piz looks right at him while he passes the car. He looks totally heartbroken. Logan feels sorry for the guy, but in the meantime he feels a little tingling joy deep inside him. Now they will have a chance for a possible clean start, just the two of them. Logan smiles as he continues to wait for Veronica to come out so they can start their journey together.
The journey - Chapter 2
"It doesn't look like she his home my friend"
Piz turns around when he hears Keith Mars voice. "Oh, Mr Mars. Yea, I was kind of coming to that conclusion myself."
"Took you some time though" Keith says with a huge smile in his face. "I have no idea where she is, as most of the time, but do you want to come in a wait?"
"That would be, yea, great."
Keith smiles as he opens the door with Piz right behind. "Make yourself at home. I'll start with the dinner. Meatloaf today. A Keith Mars speciality. I guess you won't be turning that down?"
"Hell no, I mean, just.. eh... no"
Keith laughs for himself. He likes Piz but he knows that this between him and Veronica isn't forever. He knows she doesn't want to run away and marry this guy. And that makes it all so much easier.
He sees the answering machine blinking and pushes the button
"Hi, dad, it's me. I'm on my way out. Won't be home for dinner. See you later. Love you."
At the sound of Veronicas voice Piz looks up.
"oh.. well I guess I'll be going then."
"Nah, come on. Let's have a boys night. Eat some meatloaf and look at some crappy action movie. What do you say?!" Keith can't help himself. He feels sorry for the guy, even though he rather eat the meatloaf by him self and get in bed early. Ever since Vinnie took over as Sheriff last week there had been a lot of things to do to get the PI business working again.
"Thanks Mr Mars. I'd gladly do that."
Keith sighs for himself but smiles at Piz. "Okay, let's get this party started!"
"Logan, what do you mean? Your mother?"
"Yea, you know. Lynn Echols. The bridge jumper. Well apparently she is not dead and is living in Ohio with a new husband and a baby" Logan says sarcastically throwing the letter to Veronica.
Veronica quickly reads the short but intense letter.
"Oh my God Logan." Veronica doesn't know what to say. They hade tried so hard to find Lynn when Logan was convinced that she was still alive. But they didn't find anything that pointed in that direction. And Logan had grieved and moved on. Now there is a letter saying she is still alive. Could it be real?
"Does it look like her handwriting?" she asks him
"Yea, I guess. I don't really know. That's not the thing to focus on. Let's pack our bags and go!" he says giving her an intense look.
"What do you mean? Go? Where? Shouldn't we try to find out if this is for real first?"
"Of course it is. It's so a thing my drama queen for a mother would do. I've always known she didn't kill her self. She'd never have the nerve to jump of a bridge. I told you that once... remember?"
"Yea, you know I remember Logan. I just don't want you to get your hopes up again.
"Don't worry about me Mars." Logan smiles for the first time since he read the letter. "Are you in?" he says to Veronica while getting his bag in his bedroom, starting to fill it with clothes.
"Logan! You can't be serious about going right now?"
"Believe me baby. I'm going and I want you with me." He pauses from the packing and comes up to her. Looking into her eyes and taking her hands in his. "Please V. Do this. For me."
Looking into his eyes and feeling the butterflies in her stomach when he takes her hands in his Veronica can't help herself.
The journey - chapter 1
A unspoken rule; when I think something great is happening in my life everything just comes crashing down. I really thought that this thing with Piz could work out, that Logan and me was history. But he just rubs me in all the right ways. Even when he beats my boyfriend to small pieces... God damn what's wrong with me? I'm with the most easy, caring, loving guy and still I'm longing for the bad boy. Gah, and now I'm sitting here analyzing every little detail, like some character from Hidden Palms.
Veronica reaches for the phone:"Hi, it's me. Yea. Can I come over?" Veronica smiles "Sure. See you soon then."
She grabs her bag and exits the room.
"Come on man, she must've said something?!" Piz says, throwing a football at his friend while lying on his bed.
Wallace rapidly turns his head from the computer screen towards Piz when he feels the ball touching his arm.
"For the thousandth time, no. She didn't say anything about you, or your relationship. And I don't want to be caught in the middle of this..." Wallace pauses, sighs and turns back to the computer "...whatever it is."
"Well I THOUGHT this was IT." Piz says with a bit of hurt in his voice "That all the pieces where put in the right places... But after seeing her look at Logan like that... Ah, damn I don't know anything anymore" Piz buries his head under his pillow.
Wallace turns to his friend again, this time with a softer look in this face "Piz, just talk to her. She and Logan have had some great times yes, but also a lot of really bad times. They have a history and nothing you say or do can delete that, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want you now. Please, just go and talk to her." Lowering his voice and continuing "And let me get some studying done"
Piz looks up from under the pillow. "Hmm, yea. I guess you're right!" Jumping up suddenly with a lot of energy. "Thanks mate." And runs out of their dorm room.
How come I ended up here? How come he was the one I called? I should've called Piz... but instead
"Hi Logan's friend, it's been a while. How can I help you today?" the familiar girl behind the clerk desk at the Neptune grand interrupts Veronicas thoughts.
"Hi. Logan said that he had something here that I could take with me on my way up?!"
"Oh, right, just a sec." The girl turns around and gets something that she hands to Veronica "There you go"
"Thanks" Veronica takes it and heads towards the elevator. Once in, she glares at the envelope that she got in her hand. The address is written in an elegant handwriting, obviously female.
Okay, so why does this bother me so much. I'm with Piz. Logan can receive how many love letters from girls he wants. I shouldn't care.
When she reaches the door, the so familiar door, a memory totally astonishes her. The memory of her standing outside this exact door, pouring her heart to the half naked Logan in front of her. Realising that he doesn't remember what he said about their love being epic. And then... Veronica shrugs. Not wanting to remember anything else. With a little doubt still in her mind she knocks at the door.
"Hey you" Logan opens the door with a huge smile on his face.
She can't help but smile back. "Hi"
"So this was kind of a surprise. I didn't know we were on the hanging out basis again." Logan says, blinking to Veronica.
Ignoring him Veronica says, "Right, before I forget. This is for you." Handing Logan the envelope.
"Cool. Thanks." Throwing it at the table. "So what's up Mars" What brings you to the Neptune Grand again?"
"Eh. You're not going to open that?"
"I sense that you are avoiding my questions... And aren't you a bit too curious about my mail?"
Veronica seats herself in the sofa, trying to look nonchalant. "No, and no... I just thought it looked important. You can do what you want!"
Logan laughs. "You know I can read you like an open book Veronica Mars. But okay, I'll open it, just for you!"
With a grin on his face Logan tears the envelope open and with one glance at the letter his face freezes and with a bounce he sits down next to her in the sofa.
"Logan?" she says, wondering what the hell just happened. "Logan? What is it?"
"it's... it's..." Logan says. "I don't understand." After en long pause he finally looks up at her with an astound look on his face. "Veronica, this I from my mother"
Welcome yo my fanfic page!
This fanfiction takes place after the last episode in season 3. Everything that has happened in the series has happened in this fic aswell. So it may contain spoilers for the entire 3 seasons of Veronica Mars.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of Veronica Mars, I just borrow them for a little bit of fun.
Thank you Rob Thomas for everything you have created.